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Airborne Threats

by - Maret 31, 2018


Pilots who are unfamiliar with the airspace or airports can pose a threat to ATC. Pilots may
not advise ATC of certain manoeuvres they may need to make (i.e. when avoiding weather) which can be a threat to ATC. Pilots may forget to report passing a waypoint or altitude, or they may acknowledge an instruction and subsequently fail to comply. In the TEM framework, an error by a pilot is a threat to ATC.

 Aircraft Performance
Controllers are familiar with the normal performance of most aircraft types or categories they handle, but sometimes the performance may be different to that expected. A Boeing 747 (B747) with a destination close to the point of departure will climb much faster and steeper than one with a destination that is far away because of a lighter fuel load, it will also require a shorter take-off roll on the runway. Some new-generation turboprop aircraft will outperform medium jet aircraft in the initial stages after take-off. Subsequent aircraft series may have a significantly higher final approach speed than earlier series. All these differing performance aspects, if not recognized, can pose threats to ATC.

Radio/Telephony (R/T) Communication
ICAO Preliminary Unedited Version – 6 October 2005
Readback errors by pilots are threats to ATC. (Similarly, a hearback error by a controller is a
threat to the pilot.) R/T procedures are designed with the aim to detect and correct such errors (thus avoiding threats) but in actual practice this doesn't always work to perfection. Communications between pilots and controllers may be compromised by language issues. The use of two languages on the same frequency, or two or more ATC units sharing the same frequency are also considered threats under this category.

Controllers become accustomed to the normal flow of traffic in their areas and how these are
usually handled. Non-routine aircraft activity such as photo flights, survey flights, calibration flights (navaids), parachute jumping activities, road traffic monitoring flights and banner towing flights all pose threats to how routine traffic is handled. The earlier a controller.

Source By Threats and Error Management DOC

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