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Strip Marking

by - Maret 28, 2018

The following definitions are the terms associated with the flight progress strip operations which should be understood by controller :

  a) BAY : a sloping panel of a flight progress board unit.
  b) BAY DIVIDER : an adjustable horizontal divider used to separate prepared strip holders being       held in suspense bay.
  c) BOX : one sub-division of flight progress strips.
  d) DESIGNATOR : an approved abbreviation used to identify a reporting point, holding point or other location.
  e) FLIGHT PROGRESS BOARD (DISPLAY) : a unit comprising sufficient bays to accomodate the flight progress strip necessary for the provision of respective ATC unit.
  f) FLIGHT PROGRESS STRIP : a paper strip measuring approximately 26 cm X 2.5 cm containing essential flight data necessary for control unit respect to one fix.
  g) STRIP HOLDER : a metal/plastic structure which hold the flight progress strip.
  h) SUSPENSE BAY : a bay or portion reserved for the accomodation of strip which is not active yet.

The primary objectives of flight progress strip are :
a) to enable controllers to visualize current as well as projected traffic situation;
b) to serve as an aide-memoirs on the action taken by controller;
c) to assist the authority in investigation of accident/incident;
d) to serve airport management as data for statistic purposes.

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