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Disinfection of aircraft

by - April 20, 2018

Contracting States shall determine the conditions under which aircraft are disinfected. When aircraft disinfection is required, the following provisions shall apply: 
 a) the application shall be limited solely to the container or to the compartment of the aircraft in which the traffic was carried; 
 b) the disinfection shall be undertaken by procedures that are in accordance with the aircraft manufacturer and any advice from WHO; 

 c) the contaminated areas shall be disinfected with compounds possessing suitable germicidal properties appropriate to the suspected infectious agent; 

 d) the disinfection shall be carried out expeditiously by cleaners wearing suitable personal protective equipment; and
 e) flammable chemical compounds, solutions or their residues likely to damage aircraft structure, or its systems, such as by corrosion, or chemicals likely to damage the health of passengers or crew, shall not be employed. 

 Note.— When aircraft disinfection is required for animal health reasons, only those methods and disinfectants recommended by the International Office of Epizootics should be used. 

Contracting States shall ensure that where there is contamination of surfaces or equipment of the aircraft by any bodily fluids including excreta, the contaminated areas and used equipment or tools shall be disinfected.

Source by ICAO Annex 9

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